Kathy Koher Wellness

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Are You Holiday Ready?

Whether we are ready or not the holiday season is upon us! Thanksgiving is literally 22 days away!

This can be a joyous time AND it can also be a totally stressful time of year. The number of items on our plate seems to grow exponentially as we add work and school parties, family gatherings, travel, shopping, etc to our already hectic lives and to do lists.

The daily practices that we use to help keep us grounded and sane seem like one more thing to do instead of THE thing we need to do.

Slowly, bit by bit, we don’t carve out time in our day to focus on our health and well being. Our stress levels begin to increase slowly until eventually life feels out of control and we are exhausted and totally stressed out.

They say when you do something over and over again and expect a different result that is the definition of insanity.

So why do we do the same thing every year and expect not to feel exhausted, stressed out, and overwhelmed?

The reason we repeat habits is not because we want to feel exhausted, stressed out, and overwhelmed; it’s because we can’t figure out another way. We are caught in a cycle that we don’t know how to break out of. 

We hear the people telling us to implement all these great ideas and we know we should but we don’t know where to start.

That’s where coaching can be extremely helpful. As your coach, I help you figure out how to implement plans that we create specifically for you.

No two people are alike and so no two plans are alike. We have to create our own plan because we are the only ones who know what will work best for us.

That’s where I come in. I’m your accountability partner as you create a plan to manage your stress, so you can have more energy, and carve out time to make your health a priority. I help you figure out your plan and stick to it. 

As with all good plans, there will be bumps in the road. Together we figure out how to alter your plan to keep you on track. This is how you create lasting change. 

If you’re ready to do the holidays, and beyond, differently this year then hit I’M READY below.  Together, we’ll create a plan to help you manage stress, so you can have more energy, and carve out time to make your health a priority.

What are you waiting for!!  Get in touch today!