Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

The power of change and choice

After years of dissatisfaction with our cable service, we finally cut the cord!

Can you imagine being so completely dissatisfied with something and still not doing anything to change it?

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Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

Habit starter pack

My favorite part of coaching is helping people move from feeling stuck and overwhelmed to getting into action. I help them understand the core components of establishing new habits and how to use consistency to create longevity.

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Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

The value of connection

Connection is defined as the sense of closeness and belongingness a person can experience when having supportive relationships with those around them.

Support and a sense of belonging are some of the most essential things in life. Life feels fulfilling when we have those things.

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Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

Start Small

So often, my clients know what they want to do and often have more information than they need to get started, but they are stuck in overwhelm and can’t figure out how to begin.

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Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

Conquering Stress and Anxiety

Unmanaged stress can lead to numerous issues, both mentally and physically.

It builds from worrying about one small thing and snowballs into a state of constant worry, stress, and anxiety. It can affect every aspect of your life if you don't find ways to manage it.

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Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

Letting go of rigidity

One of the benefits of having structure and routine in my day is the ability to pivot when I need or want to. We create the routine so that we can step away without falling off track or feeling guilty.

When you look back on your life, it won't be the work you remember but the small, special moments with the people you love.

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Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

Small steps make a big impact

I am fortunate enough to have not one, but two jobs that I love. I am a yoga teacher and a health and wellness coach.

The life lessons that show up on the mat and in the coaching space are incredibly similar.

The other day, when one of my students finished practicing, she walked over to me and said, "I almost didn't come this morning."

Most of the time when someone is sharing this story with me they are telling me why I didn't see them the day before.

But her story was different. She did show up.

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Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

The power of kindness

As I was scrolling through Instagram the other week, I saw someone doing the Iron Knee Challenge.

I had no expectations when I started the challenge but was pleasantly surprised by the outcome.

You would never guess my knees were so painful they were keeping me up at night. Everyone you know is dealing with some sort of suffering whether you know about it or not, and often they are the ones walking around with a smile on their face.

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Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

Embracing the path less traveled

In July, I spent a week in Rumford, Maine, visiting my Aunt. She bought an 8-bedroom house, part of which she is renovating to use as an Airbnb. It was a fantastic trip with equal parts work and fun.

One of the best parts of the trip was hearing all my Aunt’s stories. She has lived several lives in her 83 years.

A frequent theme in her life has been doing the opposite of what others thought she should do. She has had a clear vision for her life and has not been deterred by other people’s thoughts on how she should live.

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Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

Life lessons from Tumbledown Mountain

A few weeks ago, I was up in Maine visiting my Aunt. My husband, my sister-in-law, and I decided to go for a hike at a place called Tumbledown Mountain. The hike was listed as challenging but said it was a little over 3.5 miles. It sounded easy enough as we are all seasoned hikers. Boy, were we in for a surprise.​

Sometimes we need to be reminded that it's ok to be scared, it's ok to challenge yourself, and it's ok to move outside of your comfort zone. It's not easy but life goes by in a flash and you want your life to be filled with stories of what happened and not what didn't.

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Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

From skeptic to believer

We all suffer from limiting beliefs, those pesky thoughts about ourselves that keep us from going after what we want.

Here's the thing about limiting beliefs: they aren't even true most of the time.

These thoughts sit in your subconscious and dictate your behavior, often without your awareness. They keep you playing small instead of living life to your fullest potential.

If you find that you are holding back in life or find that you have developed some limiting beliefs there are a few steps you can take to change how you view things.

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Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

Stop should-ing all over yourself!

Can you believe the first half of 2023 has officially come to an end?!? That means we've got 6 more months to make things happen!

A lot of times, when people realize 6 months of the year have passed, they start thinking about all the things they haven't done but feel like they should do.

When we tell ourselves we should be doing something it means it's not our goal we are talking about, it's someone else's. It may be a great goal we would like to have, but if there is no intrinsic motivation, we won't know how to tackle it.

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Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

Walking towards what is possible

The hardest part of going through any illness, injury, or tough time, it feels like things will always be like this. We feel like we will be stuck in our current situation forever.

So often what feels permanent is just a season we are in and doesn't define our whole life. But when we are in the thick of things it doesn't feel that way and can be hard to remember. So what do you do then?

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Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

The power of relationships

Whenever I gather with family or friends, I am reminded of the power of relationships.

Our relationships have a huge impact on our overall wellness. If you are trying to live a healthy life but are also allowing people into it who create chaos and stress for you, you've got your work cut out for you.

If the people in your life aren't loving you in a way that helps you become better than you are, or if you are always giving and they are always taking, then it might be time to create some new boundaries.

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Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

Conquering fear to embrace change

When people come to work with me I see a common pattern with their struggles. Most of my clients have found some success with their various habits. Then something happens and everything that they were working on seemingly goes out the window.

The cycle often gets repeated many times over many years until people start to believe that they can't create this particular habit that they want.

So what is happening, and better yet, what can we do about it?

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Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

How setbacks shape success

Most of us view success positively and failure negatively. But if you ask any successful person they would tell you they failed 99 times and succeeded on the 100th try.

So many of us look at failure as a sign that you should stop whatever it is you are doing, give up, and stay where you are. It's safer there, you don't have to put yourself out there or have any of that the feelings that are associated with not getting the result you wanted. But will this really give us the life we want for ourselves?

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Kathy Koher Kathy Koher

The Power of Routine

While I love going on vacation, I know it will create an interruption to my daily routines. While away, I am not bound by time constraints and schedules. With this sense of freedom, the daily non-negotiables become a little more negotiable. Pivots are necessary so I can release the expectation of what things "should" look like.

If we hold on to our routines too tightly they can actually make us feel stuck. They can keep us rigid and inflexible making any deviation a source of irritation and discomfort. Routines are important and necessary, but so is taking a break, resting, and learning the art of pivoting.

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