Kathy Koher Wellness

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Are you ready to say goodbye to 2021?

We only have a few weeks left in 2021.

How does that make you feel; like this 😳 or like this 🀩?

When you look back is your life is exactly where you want it to be or are you wondering where the time went and how you are still in the same place you were last year?

If you are exactly where you want to be then I want to give you a big congratulations and a high five! You were clear on what you wanted and set yourself up to make it happen! That definitely deserves a celebration! πŸŽ‰

If you aren't where you want to be then I want you to give yourself a hug. Seriously, wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a squeeze.

It's ok that you aren't exactly where you want to be. When things aren't going exactly the way we planned you have to be able to recognize that. That awareness is how we begin to change.

Try not to beat yourself up or judge yourself for not accomplishing what you set out to do. It is only from a place of kindness and compassion that we can foster creativity and growth.

Take a moment and look at the vision and intention you set for yourself last year.

  • Were you realistic about the goals you set for yourself?

  • Did you allow yourself to adapt and change as life changed so you could stay on course?

  • Did you have regular check ins to make sure you were staying on track?

  • Did you celebrate the small wins to help keep you motivated?

The number one thing I see with my clients is that they often bite off more than they can chew. They get so excited about implementing new habits and the idea of changing their lives and are inspired to make drastic changes. The problem is that their energy is going in a million different directions without one clear focus. This is a recipe for disaster.

When your focus is all over the place you end up working on each habit a little but not giving any of them your full and complete attention. It can be incredibly exhausting to work on several habits at the same time. When you don’t see success in any area, you lose interest in all areas and your enthusiasm dies out. You end up feeling discouraged and down on yourself.

If you are looking ahead to the new year and know you want to make some changes my advice to you is to start small. Pick one small change you would like to make and go after it. Once that change become a daily habit you can look towards the next one. Allow your habits to build on one another so you can be successful.

This is exactly what I help my Surviving to Thriving clients do on a daily basis. I help them figure out where they would like to focus and why they want to make these changes. Together we come up with a personalized plan with clear action steps to help them be successful. If this sounds interesting to or you need an accountability partner to help get you on your way, you can connect with me here. This will only be a conversation to see if we are a good fit, there are no strings attached. 😊