Kathy Koher Wellness

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Finding the magic

Parker just joined the track team at school. This means most days we’re running from track to karate on the weekdays and 5 1/2 (or longer) track meets on Saturdays. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

The cool thing about her making the team was she decided about 4 days before tryouts that she wanted to run. She had a crystal clear intention of what she wanted and without training at all she made the team. 😳

Practices started last week. She started off feeling really great, working hard but having fun. When I picked her up on Thursday things had taken a turn and she was feeling pretty defeated. Her body was tired from all the running. Her legs hurt, her lungs hurt, and she felt like she was in over her head.

We talked about how different it is to just go out and run for fun versus actually training. When you are doing it just for fun you can choose your pace, stop if you want, listen to music, basically do it however you want. When you are in training your coaches are trying to condition you so you can be in the best shape possible so you can win. They are training you to increase your speed and endurance and that isn’t always fun.

When you start doing something everyday you come face to face with the idea of what it looks like to practice on the good days AND the bad ones. This is quite challenging. We all know it’s easy to show up on the days we feel good. But it’s a whole heck of a lot harder to show up on the days that we don’t.

That is where the magic is; in meeting yourself where you are each day. Showing up no matter what. It helps to build confidence in your body which in turn opens doors in your mind. You are creating opportunities for yourself that weren’t there before.

P and I talked about how every practice can’t be great. But the fact that she can walk away on a day where she felt bad and know that she did her best is really all she can do. You just keep showing up and don’t let yesterday affect what’s happening today.

Whenever you start something new it’s hard. Sometimes it can feel insurmountable and overwhelming. But we just keep showing up and through those daily challenges you build confidence and open up a world of possibilities for yourself.

Have you noticed this in your life? I’d love to hear how you've been showing up for life, even on the days you don't want to.