Kathy Koher Wellness

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Take Care of Yourself

When I first found out I had autoimmune disease over 10 years ago, I was a mess. Even though I knew that wellness begins from within, I was not applying that knowledge to myself. I was a vegetarian and did yoga so I was on the right track but was still missing the mark in so many ways. 

There were so many issues that I didn’t realize affected my health and well being.  I said yes when I really wanted to say no. I put everyone else’s needs before my own. I pushed through when I was tired. I would not speak my mind, especially when it was difficult. I kept my anger inside. I was afraid to be vulnerable. I was my own worst critic. The list goes on and on.

I remember my holistic doctor telling me I needed to find 30 minutes everyday for myself. She told me the 30 minutes could not include the time I spent doing my yoga practice. She said to read a book, take a bath, take a walk, or get my toes done. I thought she was insane! I had no idea how to even begin to find that time for myself. I actually thought that doing that would be selfish. 

Eventually, I felt so bad that I had no choice but to slow down. I had to start paying more attention to what my body needed. I began to say no instead of yes. I began to pay attention to what I needed. I slowed down when I was tired. I started to say what I thought, even when it was hard. I allowed my anger to pass through instead of pushing it down and acting like everything was fine. I allowed myself to be vulnerable and ask for help. I gave myself grace for not feeling or being perfect. 

It wasn’t easy and it didn’t happen immediately. It took time and patience. It took constant reminders from my husband, my family, and my friends. It took a willingness to see myself and think that I was worthy of loving myself. It took a new perspective to see that I wasn’t being selfish. It is something I still work on daily.

I remember someone once saying to me, “If you don’t take care of yourself then who will.” It definitely struck a chord with me. We all know we can’t pour from an empty cup but we usually wait until we are sick or exhausted to do something about it. This is your reminder not to wait. If you are feeling sick or exhausted take some time to take care of yourself. Do something small like take a quick nap or read a book for 10 minutes. We all can find 10 minutes in our day. We just have to think we are worth those 10 minutes. 

Does any of this sound familiar to you? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Is it time to explore your wellness from the inside? Are you ready to take care of yourself so you have the energy to take care of those you love? Click below to set up a time to talk to me and let’s get you on the road to wellness!