1:1 Coaching Program to help you go from Surviving to Thriving


You’re a giver, constantly doing things for others, leaving little time and energy for yourself and your health. You rarely, if ever, ask for help. On the rare occasion, you take time for yourself, you tend to feel guilty or selfish. 

Most of your life has been spent pleasing those around you, only to find nothing left in your tank. Every day, you wake up feeling exhausted, depleted, and scared; will life always be like this?  You want to get back to doing things that make you feel healthy and nourished, but you don’t have the energy or time in your day. It’s hard knowing that you could relieve your stress and feel better if there was just a little space in the day for you.

It’s a vicious cycle, and it’s not sustainable. 

Your stress has become chronic. You feel overwhelmed and overscheduled, and life often feels chaotic. You take it all on: at work, home, and with friends and family, leaving you feeling depleted mentally, physically, and spiritually, affecting every part of your life.

Fun? What’s that? You have forgotten how to enjoy life. You’re so busy all the time that fun feels frivolous. Joy is not a word you use to describe your days. 

You can break this cycle!  There's hope, and together, we can take you there.

Imagine this: you’ve learned how to give to yourself because you can’t pour from an empty cup. You’ve found your voice and can ask for help when you need it. Feeling guilty or selfish when you take time for yourself is a thing of the past because you know you will have more time and energy to give to your family and friends. 

The days of pleasing those around you at the expense of your well-being are gone. You wake up full of energy and ready to tackle the day. Feeling healthy is a top priority because you can fully support those around you when you feel nourished. Your energy is contagious. People notice how different you are and want to know your secret. Your needs make the list every day!

The habits that you have created are 100% sustainable. They started small and have now become automated and non-negotiable. You have the accountability and support you have always wanted to help you make good choices with your time and energy. You have learned how to be flexible with your habits because life is constantly changing, and you have learned how to change with it. 

Stress is something that you manage rather than something that manages you. You feel calm, balanced, and grounded.  You could take it all on at work, home, with friends and family, but you don’t because you know that doesn’t serve you. You feel strong mentally, physically, and spiritually, affecting every part of your life in the best way possible. 

Fun and joy have significant meaning and importance in your life.  Your days are filled with laughter and smiles; you feel calm, happy, and peaceful. You would even go as far as saying you are living your best life. 

In the Surviving to Thriving 1:1 coaching program, you’ll learn precisely the things you need to do to stop feeling so crappy and start loving your life. You’ll learn how to start saying no to everyone else so you can begin to say YES to yourself. As you learn to manage your stress, you will have the energy to do what you want each day and finally start to feel healthy again without feeling guilty or selfish.

As a result of the Surviving to Thriving coaching program, you will:

  • Have a personalized plan with action steps to help you manage stress, find more energy, and start to feel healthy without feeling guilty or selfish.

  • Start saying no to others so you can say yes to yourself. Creating space in your day for you shows your commitment to your well-being and prioritizing yourself.

  • Let go of the unrealistic expectations you place on yourself and create the life you want to live NOW! You will find freedom, balance, and clarity when you let go of the all-or-nothing attitude that does not serve you.

  • Have some simple mindfulness practices to help you show up for yourself and be present in your life. You will have tools to help you create a quiet, focused mind and to feel centered and grounded even when life feels chaotic.

  • Identify when you fall off track so you can begin to see the old patterns that aren’t serving you and change them.


I’m a health and wellness coach who helps busy women create sustainable habits to stress less, find more energy, and feel healthy without feeling guilty or selfish!

When you sign up for Surviving to Thriving, you will:

  • Receive an email from me with questions to help you clarify the areas of your life you want to address.

  • You will receive 60-minute one-on-one coaching sessions. In our one-on-one sessions, we will take a look at how your life looks currently. We will find small, actionable steps you can take to lower your stress, get your energy back, and carve out time to make your health a priority. 

  • We will also weave in some mindfulness techniques to help you pay attention to signs from your body to recognize old patterns when they creep back in. 

  • After our session, you will receive your action plan with small, simple steps to get you started and keep you on track.

  • Over the next two weeks, I will check in via voxer to see how your plan is going.  We will discuss anything that has come up so we can refine your approach so you can continue to be successful. 

Ready to say no to being stressed out, overwhelmed, and exhausted so you can finally start saying yes to yourself? Contact me today!

Package options are listed below:

  • Single: One 1:1 coaching session. These are perfect for a starter session or clients wanting to “check in.” After our session, you will receive two weeks of support via Voxer. $99

  • Click here to get started.

  • Monthly: Two 1:1 coaching sessions to be used over one month. You will receive four weeks of support via Voxer. $189

  • Click here to get started.

  • 3 Months: Six 1:1 coaching sessions to be used over three months. You will receive twelve weeks of support via Voxer. $579

  • Click here to get started.

Are you interested in working with me? Excellent! Here’s how to get started:

  1. Click the button to submit your payment.

  2. After you submit your payment, you can schedule your session.

  3. You will receive your client agreement from me via email.

  4. Once your agreement has been signed, you’ll get an email with your prep work to be completed before our session.

Have questions? Email me at kathy@kathykoherwellness.com

What my clients are saying

When I began work with Kathy, I was in a completely overwhelmed state with what I was expecting my daily routine, certain habits, and larger goals to look like.  I was frustrated and didn't know where to begin with the revamping, reorganizing, prioritizing, and anything else I expected to happen with what I was currently working with.  And I, of course, wanted all of this to happen overnight (!).  

I'd spent the last 4 or 5 years really learning about self care, expanding my yoga and meditation practice, diving into women's circles, reiki, moon clubs, and experiencing one-on-one coaching with certain parts of my journey.  So, I had very valuable information and was grateful for all of it.  But, I was trying to "fit it all in" and had certain expectations of how that looked (yoga is defined as an hour of practice). 

From our first meeting, Kathy was able to help me really focus on what it was out of all of that I found most important.  And then, with that, we set a reasonable expectation of when it would occur.  She framed this around what I felt I could do on my worst day, and we put it in place.  She also taught me the importance of celebration and building confidence by putting a reward system in place for each of the days I accomplished my goal. 

Over the course of 3 months, we worked one by one, habit by habit, until I began to not only get those accomplished but found myself wanting to do more.  My worst days came and went, and they still come and go, but the things I have in place now are doable and even more rewarding than they were to begin with.  Kathy helps me to see each week that I am doing it (!) and has been there to cheer me on as I go.  

She's also helped me to see that changes like this don't happen overnight, and the expectation that they should only sets us up for failure.  It is a learning process, trial and error, having patience and compassion with yourself, and showing up for the next step.  This thinking can help not only with habits and routines but with so many other parts of life.  Our time together has been invaluable! 

-Olivia S.

For some time, I’ve had a number of goals to improve specific areas of my financial and physical well being. I knew what I had to do, but didn’t know how to get started. It was like I was staring at a big knot of yarn and couldn’t find the end to start to unravel it. Kathy walked me through coming up with solutions and steps to achieve those goals and build sustainable and repeatable habits. Then, Kathy held me accountable, offering encouragement and perspective along the way if I was getting too blinkered in my thinking. And the habits are working. They’re working because these are practices that I have had a hand in creating, designed for me by me. The empowerment Kathy helped me to achieve is extraordinary, and I am so grateful!

-Barbara F.

I knew I wanted to make a huge transition in my life, from an overworked corporate employee to an artist genuinely enjoying my life and I felt overwhelmed.  I didn't know where to start.

Since working with Kathy, I moved across the country to a small, arty community near my only daughter.  I retired from my no longer fulfilling corporate job.  I enrolled as a student in a University fine arts degree program.  And I am just getting started!

Kathy is a wonderful listener and has an uncanny ability to translate my deep inner desires into action plans. She is encouraging and gently coaches me so I am not too hard on myself when I don't meet my goals.  She helps me build resilience: try again if something isn’t working.  I also really like meeting with her, she is such a kind and wise soul.

-Jane C.

Kathy asks a lot of important questions. These are made to get you to think and challenge preconceived notions. This helped me to identify what to do next in life and take action to put the ideas in motion. I would not have made these changes without someone giving me the confidence to do it.

-Rachel T.

I would definitely recommend Kathy to anyone looking to increase their wellness habits, reveal new avenues that could be explored, transform their personal practices, or receive guidance from someone who lives the principles DAILY in her own life.

-Jey E.

Kathy is not a wellness coach only in the sense of physical health. She works with the whole person, adeptly coaching you to see for yourself the real root of the habits that are keeping you from feeling well both mentally and physically, and then guiding you to set goals that will help you break those patterns. She is compassionate and empathetic, and brings her real-life experiences into her work, helping you feel heard and grounded. I worked with her during a time in my life with a lot of changes and challenges (working full-time, taking care of small children, and major family health issues, all during Covid-19), and she always was able to keep our sessions full of space and optimism, while truly accommodating for the realities of life at the same time. She is an excellent coach.

- Valerie W.

Kathy’s coaching helped me recognize and verbalize that I already knew what to do to make some positive changes at work….and in life. She helped me with a game plan and gently, yet firmly, held me accountable. She meets you where you are and helps you work from there. I trust Kathy and her approach.

— Carrie O.

Working with Kathy is as if she is holding up a magnifying mirror to myself. Things that seemed blurry are suddenly in focus. During our first two sessions, I became clear about my career goals. Soon after, when a new work opportunity became available, I was able to go after it, confident that it was in line with my aspirations.

— Rebekah C.