Hi! I’m Kathy

I’ve been practicing Ashtanga yoga since 2002. A serious ankle injury left me in a walking boot for months, which left me with horrible back pain, and my friends told me I needed yoga. When I joined my first yoga class, I expected to roll around on my mat doing gentle stretches, but instead, I got my ass kicked! As a former competitive swimmer, I wasn’t new to physical challenges, but this practice was next-level hard. I fell in love with the physicality of the practice and how much it made me work and sweat. Watching the other practitioners create these amazing shapes with their bodies, I knew I wanted to be able to do the same things. From that moment on, Ashtanga became a part of my daily life.

It wasn’t about perfection — it was about showing up.

In those early months, consistency was the most important part of my journey. I practiced every day—sometimes twice a day—and this regularity became the foundation for everything that followed. I rolled out my mat even when my body (and mind) felt stiff, weak, or resistant. Consistency was key. Over time, this habit taught me discipline, resilience, and the understanding that transformation happens gradually through daily effort.

There were setbacks.

Initially, I was drawn to the physical aspects of the practice. I wanted to push myself to achieve the impressive postures I saw other people doing. I practiced sometimes obsessively, but my determination to force my body into these postures eventually led to a series of injuries and illness that resulted from all the pushing. It took me a long time to understand that yoga isn’t just about pushing—it’s about balance. Learning to back off and meet myself where I was taught me to practice sustainably, blending effort with compassion.

Obstacles transformed into possibilities.

Over time, my body began to open in ways I never thought possible. Postures I once considered unattainable became part of my routine, and I started to see possibilities where I had only seen obstacles. More importantly, the practice cultivated patience, perseverance, and kindness toward myself. The practice was always teaching me; I learned to let go of rigid expectations, move intelligently, and adapt my practice to honor where I was each day. Consistency remained my anchor through it all, reminding me to show up even when progress didn’t look like I thought it would or wanted it to.

Breathing was the building block.

One of the most profound lessons came through the breath. Even when my body felt broken, I could always roll out my mat and breathe. Learning Pranayama—the science of breath—transformed my practice. It gave me the tools to manage stress, calm my nervous system, and find clarity even in the most challenging moments. The balance between working hard and breathing deeply taught me to approach life’s challenges, on and off the mat, with resilience and grace.

Teaching what I practice. 

As a teacher, I share these lessons with my students. I emphasize the importance of consistency and remind them that the most challenging part of practice is often just showing up. I encourage them to embrace repetition—not as a means of achieving perfection but as a way to cultivate confidence and resilience over time. Together, we have navigated injuries, pregnancies, chronic illnesses, aging, and life’s ups and downs, finding clarity and strength through breath and movement.

Balance is key.

Slowing down and letting go of perfection are essential for sustainability. The practice isn’t about how many postures you can master; it’s about creating a lifelong relationship with your body and mind. I help my students cultivate this relationship by holding them accountable, pushing them when needed, supporting them through challenges, and cheering them on when they need it.

Yoga taught me to see myself clearly.

Yoga has given me so much more than physical strength or flexibility. It has taught me to see myself clearly—the good, the bad, and the areas where I need to grow. The lessons I learn on the mat—patience, resilience, and belief in my capabilities—translate directly into my relationships and daily life. The confidence I’ve built through consistent practice inspires me to face uncomfortable situations and navigate life’s challenges with clarity and grace. Ultimately, the practice is hard, but it’s worth it. It shows you what you’re capable of, even when you doubt yourself, and reminds you that you can handle whatever life throws your way. You just have to breathe.

Teaching and Coaching

As a teacher, I realized that students would come to me when they struggled to find consistency in other areas of their lives. They saw the benefits of consistency in their yoga practice and wanted to find that in the rest of their lives. Coaching became the natural next step on my path. We worked together to translate the skills they were learning on their mats into the habits they were trying to cultivate in their everyday lives.

The best part.

The best part of my yoga journey has been witnessing my students' transformations on and off the mat. I’ve watched them apply the same principles that help them create consistent and sustainable yoga practices to their daily habits, and their lives have taken off. But you don’t have to take my word for it; take theirs.

“When I began work with Kathy, I was completely overwhelmed with what I expected my daily routine, certain habits, and larger goals to look like. I was frustrated and didn't know where to begin with the revamping, reorganizing, prioritizing, and anything else I expected to happen with what I was currently working with. And I, of course, wanted all of this to happen overnight (!).  

From our first meeting, Kathy helped me really focus on what it was out of all of that I found most important. And then, with that, we set a reasonable expectation of when it would occur. She framed this around what I felt I could do on my worst day, and we put it in place. She also taught me the importance of celebration and building confidence by putting a reward system in place for each day I accomplished my goal. 

Over 3 months, we worked one by one, habit by habit, until I began to not only get those accomplished but found myself wanting to do more. My worst days came and went, and they still come and go, but the things I have in place now are doable and even more rewarding than they were to begin with. Kathy helps me to see each week that I am doing it (!) and has been there to cheer me on as I go.  

She's also helped me to see that changes like this don't happen overnight, and the expectation that they should only sets us up for failure. It is a learning process, trial and error, having patience and compassion with yourself, and showing up for the next step.  This thinking can help with habits, routines, and many other parts of life. Our time together has been invaluable!”

-Olivia S.

“Kathy asks a lot of important questions. These are made to get you to think and challenge preconceived notions. This helped me to identify what to do next in life and take action to put the ideas in motion. I would not have made these changes without someone giving me the confidence to do it.”

-Rachel T

“Working with Kathy is as if she is holding up a magnifying mirror to myself. Things that seemed blurry are suddenly in focus. During our first two sessions, I became clear about my career goals. Soon after, when a new work opportunity became available, I could go after it, confident that it aligned with my aspirations.”

— Rebekah C.

“Kathy’s coaching helped me recognize and verbalize that I already knew how to make positive changes at work….and in life.

She helped me develop a game plan and gently yet firmly held me accountable. She meets you where you are and helps you work from there.

I trust Kathy and her approach.”

— Carrie O.

“I recommend Kathy to anyone looking to increase their wellness habits, reveal new avenues that could be explored, transform their personal practices, or receive guidance from someone who lives the principles DAILY in her own life.”

-Jey E.

“For some time, I’ve had several goals to improve specific areas of my financial and physical well-being. I knew what I had to do but didn’t know how to start.

It was like staring at a big knot of yarn, unable to find the end to unravel it.

Kathy walked me through the process of devising solutions, taking steps to achieve those goals, and building sustainable and repeatable habits.

Then, Kathy held me accountable, offering encouragement and perspective if I became too blinkered in my thinking.

And the habits are working. They’re working because these are practices I have had a hand in creating, designed for me by me. The empowerment Kathy helped me to achieve is extraordinary, and I am so grateful!”

-Barbara F.

“I knew I wanted to make a massive transition in my life, from an overworked corporate employee to an artist genuinely enjoying my life, and I felt overwhelmed. I didn't know where to start.

Since working with Kathy, I have moved across the country to a small, artistic community near my only daughter. I have retired from my no longer fulfilling corporate job and am enrolled in a university fine arts degree program. And I am just getting started!

Kathy is an excellent listener with an uncanny ability to translate my deep inner desires into action plans. She encourages and gently coaches me so I am not too hard on myself when I don't meet my goals. She also helps me build resilience: I can try again if something isn’t working. I also really like meeting with her; she is such a kind and wise soul.”

-Jane C.

“Kathy is not a wellness coach only in the sense of physical health. She works with the whole person, adeptly coaching you to see the real root of the habits that keep you from feeling well mentally and physically and then guiding you to set goals that will help you break those patterns.

She is compassionate and empathetic and incorporates her real-life experiences into her work, helping you feel heard and grounded.

I worked with her during a time of many changes and challenges (working full-time, taking care of small children, and major family health issues, all during COVID-19), and she always kept our sessions full of space and optimism while truly accommodating the realities of life. She is an excellent coach. “

- Valerie W.