5 Tips For Better Health

When we see someone who is healthy and vibrant we often equate it to what they eat or what kind of exercise they do.

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What we often forget is that being healthy includes not only what we eat or how we move our bodies but also having a sense of purpose, knowing when to rest, understanding how to make time for yourself, your mindset, and having a strong and loving support system .

While you can be healthy having just a few of these in place, true health comes when you can create a lifestyle that includes all of these factors. This allows you to feel whole, balanced, and vibrant.

Here are a few tips to help you dramatically improve your overall health:

Sense of purpose: figure out what your unique gifts are and then share them with others. This helps us to feel useful and appreciated.

Rest: We are not human doings, we are human beings. We have long to-do lists that never end, we try to see how much we can get done in a day. If we do slow down it is usually because we are sick or injured and we end up feeling lazy. Being able to know when it is time to slow down and rest is key to your overall wellness.

Create time for yourself: As we noted with rest, we are constantly busy. Often we are taking care of everything and everyone else and we don’t ever make it onto our priority list. You cannot pour from an empty cup. Carving out time in your day just for you helps to keep you centered and grounded so you have more energy for the other things in your life.

Mindset: This may be one of the biggest factors related to our health and wellness. Mindset deals with how you handle stress, your sense of gratitude, and how you deal with challenging situations and emotions. What and how you think directly impacts every cell in your body. Have you ever seen the plant experiment? The plants cellular structure responded based on whether it was being spoken to kindly or negatively. You can check it out here.

Support system: Having supportive and loving relationships is an integral part of being a healthy person. Studies show that building a strong support network of family and friends lowers your mortality risk by about 45%. Work to grow your connections with others to help create a sense of community and belonging. Create relationships with people that lift you up, inspire you, and create joy, and watch the powerful impact it has on your health.

You can create the holistic health you want in your life. While tackling this all at once can feel overwhelming, try to start with one thing and begin to make small changes. All of these tips to improve your health are connected. As you begin to work on one, the others will slowly fall into place. Don’t wait! Start your journey to true health today.

Reach out for support or accountability. You can connect with me here.


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