Kathy Koher Wellness

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Are You Setting Yourself Up to Win the Day?

Do you have a daily morning ritual that you follow? Or do you jump out of bed and hit the ground running? If you don’t currently take a little time in the morning for daily rituals, it’s definitely something you should consider adding into your life. Daily rituals create a sense of accountability, stability, focus, and give us a sense of purpose. While you can create daily rituals for any time of day, morning is one of the best times to do it. There is a quote that says, “Win the morning and you win the day.” When you create some space for yourself first thing in the morning you will be setting yourself up for success the rest of the day. Other healthy habits start to take shape without you even noticing. 

A daily ritual doesn’t have to be a grandiose gesture. It can be sitting down with a morning cup of coffee in silence, meditating, journaling, exercising, doing a crossword, etc. It is something you do just for YOU everyday.  As much as we may try to fight it, we are creatures of habit. When there is purpose behind a habit, you have just created a very powerful force in your life. 

Don’t get me wrong, just because you have daily rituals doesn’t mean that every day will be perfect. What it does mean is that you consider yourself a priority. You are creating space for your growth and evolution. 

Here is what my current morning routine looks like:

5am:  get up and meditate

5:30am:  drink a glass of warm lemon water or celery juice

5:35am: take a shower, brush teeth, get dressed

5:45am: take vitamins and supplements, get a cup of coffee

5:50am: read for 10 minutes before teaching  

If you decide to start a morning ritual it may mean getting up a little earlier so you can have time before family or work obligations come into play. Yikes, right?!? Don’t worry, the benefits make it well worth it. Your body and mind will start to crave your morning rituals. 

Do you want a daily morning ritual but don’t know where to start? Let me help you find one that works for you!