Be Vulnerable, Be Brave

I was listening to Brene Brown’s podcast, Unlocking Us. The episode was on Shame and Accountability. She mentioned that her mantra is, “I am here to get it right, not to be right.” I have heard her say this before but for some reason this time it really stuck with me. 


Maybe you are like me, a people pleaser, so often I have said nothing rather than say the wrong thing. I have been overwhelmed by issues and instead of doing something I have done nothing. The result of my silence and inaction has been shame and feeling that I am not good enough. I create suffering for myself as well as for others. 

I was speaking to one of my students in class the other day and I heard myself say, “You won’t get it right  if you don’t ever try it.” As I listened to Brene’s podcast these words came right back to me. If I don’t put myself out there, if I don’t start saying something, if I don’t start doing something then how can I ever start to learn how to do it correctly? 

It is scary to be vulnerable. It is scary to know that people may not like what you say or do. It is scarier to know that they may react in an aggressive manor or shut you out completely. The true work that we do in this world starts with being vulnerable. Brene Brown says, “vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity.” Don’t we all want to see more of those things in this world?

So how do we start? Regardless of what issue we are talking about you have to start somewhere. It is the small habits that we practice everyday that end up making the biggest difference in our lives. Maybe you take one small step by saying out loud to yourself what you want to say. Hearing your own voice can be a powerful force, especially if you aren’t used to hearing it. The more you practice saying what you think the better. As with all things in life, the more you practice the better you get. 

Are you ready to be vulnerable? Are you ready to be a force of change in this world? Lets do it together! Reply and let me know how you are going to start .


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