Kathy Koher Wellness

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Deep Pressure Stimulation - What Is It & Why Do I Need To Do It?

We are all looking for ways to calm our nervous system. We all feel different effects from our nervous system being stressed. Some people have noticed their anxiety is higher, some people notice their breath is shorter and shallower, some people can’t sleep. The list goes on and on. These are all examples of our sympathetic nervous system at work. This is also know as our fight or flight response. 

Our brains still function similarly to how they did when we were cavemen. When our fight or flight kicks in our body thinks we need to produce a lot of cortisol to run away from a predator. While we don’t currently have to escape from a predator, the constant stress we are under stimulates our sympathetic nervous system and puts us into fight or flight. Our bodies produce cortisol and store it so we have the energy ready when we need it. The problem here is our bodies are not releasing the cortisol.

We need to find ways to stimulate our parasympathetic nervous system to help release our stress. Our parasympathetic nervous system is known as the rest and digest system. It basically undoes the work of sympathetic division after a stressful situation. How do we activate our parasympathetic nervous system?

One simple way we can activate our parasympathetic nervous system is with Deep Pressure Stimulation. With this technique we use our hands to put  light pressure on our eyes, which are on overdrive almost every minute of every day. The blue light of our computers and phones are constant stimulation to our eyes. Computers and phones are only one part of what we ask our eyes to focus on and take in every day. Our eyes need a break. 

Deep pressure stimulation uses the healing power of your hands to create heat and allow the eyes to rest. It lets your body know that it can relax and come back to the present moment. When you come back to the present you are no longer worrying about the past or the future which will help soothe your nervous system. The best part about Deep Pressure Stimulation is you can do it anywhere, anytime. 

Want to try it? Rub your hands together and create heat from the friction. Close your eyes and place your palms gently over your eyes. Feel the pressure on your eyes as you inhale and exhale deeply. Keep your eyes, your jaw, and your shoulders relaxed. Notice your whole body relaxing. Stay here for as long as you like and repeat as needed throughout the day. 

Have any questions? I’m just an email away!