Finding a Sense of Routine In the Midst of Chaos

The world feels a bit chaotic right now, to say the least. We are all practicing social distancing in the hopes of flattening the curve. Kids are being homeschooled and so many of us are working from home. While it may feel nice not to have to commute to and from work everyday, our sense of routine has been thrown out the window. The craziest part about all of this is we literally had no time to plan for this. 

While the forced slow down may feel nice in some respects, it can also totally throw you off your game. I for one, am not entirely used to working from home. Health & wellness coaching can luckily be done from anywhere, but teaching yoga usually involves being at a studio. I walk around for my job and rarely sit or look at a computer screen. Now, all the classes I teach are virtual and so I am sitting and staring at a computer screen all day. 

Before the Covid-19 quarantine, I would get up in the morning, meditate, take a shower, go to the yoga studio, do some breathing exercises, and then start teaching. The first week of quarantine, I literally rolled out of bed, grabbed a cup of coffee, turned on the computer and started teaching. I felt off and slightly unsettled. I attributed it to the drastic change in my life but it may have been more about the drastic change in my routine. 

Now I’ll admit, I am a creature of habit. My days are usually planned out in advance and I like the consistency and the feeling of calmness and grounding that my daily routine provides for me. I don’t think I realized how grounded my routine made me feel until it was gone. 

When week 2 of quarantine started, I decided I needed to get back to what helps me feel calm and grounded. Each morning I took a shower, meditated, and did my breathing exercises before I got a cup of coffee and taught. My days immediately felt better. I found that I was calmer and more present not just for my students but also for myself and my family. The rest of the day was easier and I slept better. 

When our lives get turned upside down having a sense of routine can help bring back a sense of normalcy. Clearly, you won’t bring back your entire routine but even pieces of it help. Here are a few suggestions for you:

  • Get up, take a shower, and put on clothes. This sounds silly but it really makes a big difference. Basic hygiene can go out the door when you don’t have to. Starting your day off clean with fresh clothes can help you feel more centered and ready to go.

  • Set a time for your work day to begin and end and stick to it. Last week, I sat down to work on some business items and didn’t get up for over 5 hours. I was totally dehydrated, sore from sitting for so long, and had a headache from staring at a screen for over 5 hours. I have talked to so many people who are in the same boat. Since they are working from home, their morning blends into the afternoon which blends into the evening. They are working more now than they were before. Stay firm with your start and end times. 

  • Take breaks. Get up and take a short walk around the block, get a snack, drink some water (maybe more like lots of water), eat lunch. Make sure you don’t do these things at your desk. You will be more productive if you take breaks and get outside for a little bit. 

  • Move Your Body! Everything happens at home right now. It is easy to allow work or home life to distract us from what we really need. Exercise is not only good for your body, it is also good for your mind, and your soul. You can get creative with what exercise looks like. Play outside with the kids, walk your dog, do a few sun salutations. Take time to move your body naturally. 

  • Do something just for you each day. This is especially important if you have kids at home. Between their school, your work, and 3 meals each day you may feel like you don’t have a second for yourself. Take a few minutes to read, take a bath, meditate, or eat a piece of chocolate. It doesn’t have to be big, it just has to be for you. You need to fill your cup in order to be the best version of yourself right now. 

These are unprecedented times. You don’t have to know how to do this. Be compassionate to yourself as you try to find your new normal. Give yourself time to adjust, start small, and be flexible. Know that you are not alone and if you need help make sure you reach out. 

Let me know how you are doing!

Lots of love,



Meditation For Stress Release


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