You Are Good Enough

Do you ever notice how feelings of unworthiness creep in at the most inconvenient time? 

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You are about to give a presentation, you are ready, you know your material, and all of a sudden you start to think that what you have prepared isn’t good enough or that you could have done better. You wish you would have worded things differently or that you were a more eloquent speaker. 

It is something that I struggle with constantly. I always feel like I need to be a better teacher, health coach, parent, partner, friend, sibling, and daughter (just to name a few). I used to think it was a good thing; that it always helped me to strive to be better. Over time, I realized the underlying thought is that my best just isn’t good enough. 

It is something that I see with my health coaching clients and with my yoga students. It could be a new habit they are working on that isn’t going as well as they would like or a yoga posture that hasn’t come together yet; they immediately think they can’t do it because something is wrong with them or they aren’t trying hard enough. 

Most of us push ourselves as hard as we can, probably too hard, to be honest. Trying harder is not the solution to our problems. This only creates more frustration and misdirected energy. 

What we really need is acceptance and the ability to allow things to be as they are. To know we are worthy just as we are and not once we do ____________ (fill in whatever you are working on here).

This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t strive for things. What it means is that when we are doing our best we need to recognize that. There is a point where you need to trust in yourself and know that what you have done is enough, that you are enough. 


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