Are the holiday crazies creeping in? 🤪
I don't know about you but lately life has been feeling a bit busy. It finally hit me how few days I have left to shop and send presents to family and friends. And that Holiday card we were going to send out? Maybe we’ll make it a New Years card. 😂 The holiday crazies are creeping in. 🤪
The idea of being or feeling busy means I am already headed back into the old habit of putting more on my plate than I can handle. I start to pack as much into my day as I possibly can. It’s a recipe for disaster.
It pops up so slowly. I’ll find myself in my car running from place to place with a never ending to do list. I will wake up in the middle of the night thinking about something that I forgot to do or still need to do. I’ll start to feel hurried as I go through my day trying to get it all done. Before I know it I am running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
Feeling hurried or busy is familiar for many of us whether during the holiday season or not. When it starts to creep in, we have to start saying no to some things so we can get everything done.
What’s the first thing we start saying no to? Usually it’s us and the things we do to take care of ourself.
We spend a lot of the year making sure that we are doing all the things to manage our stress and keep ourselves healthy; we eat well, move our body, get plenty of sleep, etc. The time when we need to take care of ourselves the most is the time we end up ditching the routine.
If this is you, and you are starting to feel hurried or busy and your normal routine has flown out of the window, then this is your reminder to stop and take a deep breath. Now, figure out one small thing you can do for yourself today. Yes, today! Don’t put this off until tomorrow because you will just keep putting it off.
This can be anything; going for a walk, sitting and reading a book for 10 minutes, drinking a cup of tea, making some fresh juice or a smoothie, taking a bath, or even petting your fur baby. Anything that is specifically for you and will help you to feel more calm, grounded, and centered.
As Lily Tomlin says, "For fast acting relief try slowing down." 😂 Genius!
When we actually take the time to take care of ourselves we will have more focused energy to put into the rest of our lives so we can get stuff done.
Let’s do this holiday season different. Make sure you are on your list and make time to take care of yourself too!
Are you struggling with finding time for yourself. Just click here and let me know where you’re struggling the most.