Do you take care of your body first?
Kate Northrup says, “Body first, business second.” The idea is that if you take care of yourself and your body then you will have more focused energy to put into the other areas of your life.
When we aren’t well, physically, mentally, or spiritually, we don’t have anything to give; to ourselves, those we love and care about, and our work. The energy we do have isn’t the kind that is as effective as we would like it to be.
I used to approach my life from a body last perspective. The funny part was that I didn’t even realize I was doing this. I have always spent time moving my body; whether I was swimming, running, hiking, walking, or doing yoga.. To me, that seemed like I put my body first.
What I wasn’t doing was sleeping well, eating well, managing my stress, or prioritzing things I wanted to do each day. I was always putting myself after those around me; trying to make sure they were happy and well taken care of at my own expense.
Since I wasn’t really taking care of myself, the work I did always lacked the energy and enthusiasm that I wanted to put into it. I was always tired and felt like my brain was in a constant fog.
It wasn’t until my body got fed up with me that things started to change. I got really sick and had no choice but to pay attention to my body. It forced me to manage my stress, start eating healthier, and make sleep a priority.
I know I am not alone in this. Most of us put work at the forefront of our lives. When work gets busy or stressful (or both) we put our nose to the grindstone to get shit done. Everything else, moving our body, eating well, managing stress, and sleeping, takes a hit. The things that will actually help to sustain us are the ones we ditch first.
So what does body first look like?
For each of us it will be different. For me it means really paying attention to the signs and signals my body gives me, the ones I used to ignore.
If I am tired, I find 20 minutes to lay down and take a nap.
If I have been sitting on my computer too long, I will get up and either go sit outside or go for a walk.
If I need to write and am feeling uninspired, I will sit down with a book.
If my mind feels unsettled or anxious, I will do some yoga, breathwork, or meditation. Sometimes this is also when I will get outside.
Sometimes I will do absolutely nothing all day and actually enjoy it instead of feeling guilty.
If I am feeling exhausted at the end of the day, I will go take a bath or get to bed early.
Each day is different. What I don’t do anymore is sit in front of my computer for hours until my body hurts, my eyes are irritated, and I am completely exhausted. I actually get more done each day when I take care of myself and have good energy that can be focused on the task I have chosen to do.
When I take care of my body first everything else falls into place.
What about you? Do you take care of your body first? What could your life look like if you did? I’d love to hear about it; tell me in the comments.