Just Breathe

Breathing is something that we do everyday. Breath is essential to our existence. But it is something that we rarely pay attention to, unless we are sick or find our breathing is restricted.

Breathing is incredible because it is both a voluntary and an involuntary process. When we begin to pay attention to our breathing, and learn how to control it, we can begin to tap into our nervous system.

Slowing our breathing taps directly into our parasympathetic nervous system, also know as our rest, digest, and restore, which helps our body relax. Through the breath, we stimulate our vagus nerve, the nerve that runs from the brain down to the pelvic floor, which controls our heart, lungs, and digestive tract. Stimulation of the vagus nerve can help lower stress and anxiety in the body.

I was speaking with a client this week who has a major life decision in front of her. We had talked about this decision months ago. She was clear on what she wanted to do and why she wanted to do it. However, as the time drew near for her to make this change fear came up. She began to wonder if she was making the right decision after all.

I asked her to take a moment and pay attention to her breathing when the fear came up. She mentioned that her breath was short and shallow. So we sat and breathed together for a few moments. We worked on a breathing technique called resonance breathing, which literally means, bringing things into balance. We were bringing her sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system into complete balance. We did this by inhaling for a count of 6 and exhaling for a count of 6 for about 2 minutes.

Immediately after, my client mentioned that she felt a sense of calm wash over her. From that state of calm, we were able to take a look at her fear and figure out a way through it. With the calm came clarity and the answer she already knew.

We all have stress and anxiety in life. Learning that we have a tool that can help us keep our stress and anxiety under control is a complete game changer. Breathing is a simple act that you can do anytime, anywhere, and you will feel the effects immediately. The best part is you don’t need any equipment or special clothes to do this, you can literally stop whatever you are doing, close your eyes, and breathe.

In my coaching practice, we do a few minutes of resonance breathing to begin our session . My clients are usually meeting with me in the middle of their work day and this gives them the opportunity to break away from their day, slow down, let go of their stress, and be present. From this place of presence we can be more receptive to what is happening around us with a clear and calm mind. Who doesn’t need more of that in their life?

Interested in learning how breathing can help you? Click on the button below.


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