See it to believe it!
Have you read the quote by Wayne Dyer that says, "You'll see it when you believe it."
I love this because not only is it incredibly true, but it’s also the opposite of the way it is usually said.
There have been many times in my life where I wanted to create a new habit or change a situation in my life but I wasn't sure if it was really possible.
The doubt I felt would be enough to keep me from moving forward. What I wanted didn't stand a chance because I never really thought it could happen.
It's so important when you want a change to actually be able to believe it can happen. You have to visualize what you want so you can move forward.
A client of mine wanted to lose weight. When we first started working on this change my client didn’t really believe she could lose the weight. She had been trying on and off to lose weight for years and had been unsuccessful. We had to address her mindset first so she could start to see the person she wanted to be. Once she saw herself in a new light the weight began to melt off.
Think of a change you want to make in your life. Maybe you want to start a new career, or a meditation or movement practice, eat healthier, or get more sleep. Whatever the change is that you want to make, ask yourself, can you see yourself as someone with this new career or as a person who meditates or moves their body regularly? Can you see yourself as someone who eats healthier, or gets lots of sleep and is rested and clear headed?
If you can't see yourself as the person you want to become you have to dive into your mindset. Why can't you see yourself this way? What needs to change in order for you to be able to see yourself in this new light?
I know some people glaze over when I talk about visualization. :) I get it, sometimes it sounds a little too woo woo. But high performance athletes and head of companies all use visualization to get what they want.
Visualization is something we can all do. Sit down, close your eyes, and picture yourself as the person you want to be. You can do this everyday until you begin to believe in the person you want to become.
And when you fall off track, which you inevitably will, you can sit down, close your eyes and pull up the vision of who you know you can be or what you know your life can look like so you can keep moving forward.
Tell me what you are visualizing for your life!
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