Green Juice

I am always trying to find things that help me stay on track this time of year.

Lately, I’ve been playing around with adding more fresh juices to my day.

It’s been so fun to open my fridge and figure out what concoction I am going to come up with today.

Juicing is good for you because it helps you get more fruits and veggies in, which means you will be upping your nutritional intake.

I don’t use juice in place of a meal but add it in to the meal or as a snack.

Do you love fresh juice as much as I do? Let me know some of your favorite combinations!

Green juice

  • 1 head celery

  • 1 cucumber

  • 1/2 lemon

  • 3” piece of ginger

  • Half head of romaine

Juice all ingredients and enjoy!


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